Psychic Rick Tobin

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According to CBS19News, “Rick Tobin, noted psychic and host of the show, “Destiny Echoes”, released his new, shocking prediction show on March 20, (recorded in early March) entitled “2020 Predictions That Came True, and New Ones for the Next Six Months.” In this episode, he proves his ability by first reviewing his earlier hits from a show recorded in December of 2019, including the selection of Joe Biden as the Democratic choice for the November Presidential elections (when there were still a dozen trying to get on the ballot, with no clear front runner), the coming major impact on the cruise-ship industry (which Coronavirus has now provided), the interruption of the supply chain to business, and a downturn in the stock market, but only as a major correction…not a collapse, and many more.”
He even has new predictions you can listen to here!